Temple History
The main deities in this temple are Lord Shiva and Swayamvara Parvathi Devi.
An idol is transformed in to a diety by performing certain prescribed rituals. In a diety, divine aura wanes over time, ans it is replenished by performing regular poojas and rituals by well trained priests. Only priests who have been ritually cleansed are allowed to enter Sreekovil where the diety is consecrated.
As per astrologers Lord Shiva, in this temple, is in Nataraja bhavam performing Thandava nirtham. He is facing eastwards and his vehicle NANDI, (Rishabham, the bull), is lying in front of him, facing him.
Swayamvara Parvathi Devi was consecrated behind Shivalingam to passify Shiva who was in angry mood.
She is facing westwards inside Sreekovil but outside Garbhagraha or inner Sanctum(Sanctum Scanctorum), She is holding a garland in her right hand.
Lighting ‘Pinvilakku’ , a lamp kept behind Shiva Lingam, is a very important vazhipad to please Shiva as it is believed that Parvathi is always present behind Shiva.
Only ghee (neyyu) is used to light the lamps inisde Sreekovil.